Manège Militaire de Québec

The Manège Militaire de Québec was the home to Canada’s oldest French infantry regiment.  It was built in 1884 and designed by Eugène-Étienne Taché  who also designed the Parliament buildings and the old Quebec Courthouse.
The building possessed Canada’s largest suspended ceiling and housed a museum.   On the evening of 4 April 2008, after renovation work had been completed for the day for Quebec’s 400th Anniversary, a fire started. The roof collapsed within two hours.  Fortunately, due to quick thinking by the Museum Curator and actions of the fire brigade, approximately 100% of the documents, and 90% of the artifacts were able to be rescued. However, 80% of the structure was destroyed, along with the storage and exhibition facilities. Numerous artifacts from the Second World War were also lost.
Contributing Factors
- Limited compartmentation
- No automatic suppression
- Limited Plan to limit Fire During Rehabilitation
Built: 1828-1835
Fire: 25 August 2006
Damage: Â US$1.12 million